Pre-Intercoms: Welcome Home Bro Kevin Organizing Inside & Out (Pt. 2)

‘Intercoms’ is still as yet a work-in-progress, aiming to launch live & in full before this fall. These ‘pre-Intercoms’ installments are pre-recorded interviews around prison slavery and its ramifications today.

Peep Bro Kevin’s updates on life on the outside after nearly a decade upstate, reflections on the challenges of inside organizing, insights into how to support the imprisoned and more in part 2 of a series of interviews.

‘When I went to prison, I went 2010.  In 2018, the exact same people are doing the exact same thing.[…]It’s this time warp that we’re all wrapped in.’

‘If we can find a way to send in papers, send in articles to random brothers & sisters[…]you’re not gonna always hit a person that’s [for the] cause, but that person may hang with someone that is fighting for the revolution inside there and he may pass on the information.’

You can circle back to Pt. 1 here:

Issue of kite mentioned in interview can be found here:

Kite-Issue-3-032918 (Online)

Kite-ForPrint (Print)

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