US Based International Group Calling For Gun Control Campaigned For Disastrous Regime Change In Libya

BTR News (Washington, DC) – News outlets are being flagged for disinformation related to a Washington, DC demonstration created by a “global” group called Avaaz. A Facebook live-streamed video posted by WLOS News 13 says “14K empty shoes outside the US Capitol, to represent every child killed with a gun since the Sandy Hook Massacre” but the actual article the post links to says, “7K pairs of shoes cover Capitol lawn to honor kids killed in shootings since Sandy Hook”.

The 7,000 pairs of shoes are supposed to represent 7,000 children killed by gun violence and its likely that WLOS thought it would generate a bigger buzz by stating, 14,000 empty shoes, which technically is the correct number of shoes but still deceptive.

A campaign by  Avaaz, which plainly states it seeks to advance its agenda of gun control by seizing on the news generated by the murders committed by Nickolas Cruz, the alleged Parkland shooter. On its webpage, the group makes the claim that 7,000 lives have been lost to gun violence since Newtown known for the Sandy Hook school shootings. What Avaaz doesn’t make clear is how many of these children were shot and killed by cops or murdered by their parents or if the shootings were accidental. By not making the distinctions and lumping all the children together gives a false impression that these are all school-related shootings.

This perhaps, deliberate confusion created by the wording of Avaaz, has led Internet Bloggers to pick up on the deceptive information and circulate claims that all these deaths are related to school shootings. The fact-checking news outlet Politifact checked on these claims and rated them false. With reading comprehension being low in the United States coupled with partisan politicos who don’t care if they are spreading misinformation, these type of posts are all too common and not just those concerning the issue of gun control.

Interestingly the US-based group Avaaz admits that it seeks to meddle in the internal politics of foreign nations but none of the news outlets like CNN who have been pushing a “Russian interference” narrative for almost 2 years after the 2016 US Presidential election, did not take note that Avaaz is doing exactly what they are accusing Russians of doing.

Avaaz’s founding President and CEO is the Canadian-British Ricken Patel and back in 2011, Avaaz supported the establishment of a no-fly zone over Libya based on US State Department lies which was being run by Hillary Clinton at the time and of course which led to the US military attacking what was at the time, a US ally in the War on Terror. Clinton, in violation of US law even went as far as to call for the killing of Ghaddafi, the Libyan head of state. The CIA then helped to arm and back the very terrorist groups and factions destabilizing Libya to this day. Avaaz was criticized for its support of regime change in the country which today has open slave markets that include children.


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