Children Advocates Rage Against Senegalese Officials Over Child Slavery & Child Murders

BTR News (Senegal) In Senegal, children’s rights activists have held several demonstrations in the coastal capital city of Dakar over the increasing number of child abductions and killings. The activist’s belief is that law enforcement authorities and politicians are not acting decisively and have not come up with any plans to help combat these growing crimes against children.

Libya which is located in the northeast of Senegal was in the international news cycle not so long ago after CNN published a report on the open air slave markets that sprang up in the wake the US-backed overthrow of its government but slavery is still being practiced all over the continent of Africa just as it is still being practiced in America.

Human Rights organizations have issued reports over recent years citing children as young as 4 yrs-old being forced to beg tourist for food. 

An estimated 50,000 children are forced out of their homes with some ending up hundreds of miles away, by their own parents because of poverty in some instances, turn up begging on the streets of Dakar. The Senegalese government acknowledges this is an issue in their country.

Senegal has also been reported to be very weak on legislation or enforcement of acceptable child labor laws are rarely prosecute anyone who violates existing laws. Muslim hermits or monks, who dwell in parts of North Africa are known as marabouts are said to frequently abuse children while using them as slave labor are never said to have some kind of political immunity to prosecution for their crimes.

Senegal is reported to be a source, transit, and destination country for women and children who both are trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation. Sex tourism is fueled by the lusts of mostly Europeans who travel to different parts of Africa as they do to other non-white nations where they pay to have their lusts fulfilled on victims of sexual trafficking. However, African victims of sexual trafficking are increasingly being transported into Europe according to reports about Nigerian women.

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