“Russian” Clinton Email Video Game Is Hilarious & Based On Real Events!

BTR News – Jamari Thomas has a hilarious take on the news surfacing that alleged Russians created a video game that not many ever heard about let alone played but is hilarious nonetheless. The video game was based on the real events concerning Hillary Clinton while serving as US Sec of State, and members of her staff exchanged over one hundred email chains containing information classified as either confidential, secret and top secret.

The game portrays the Clinton Campaign deleting emails while in the real world, according to several reports, over 30,000 emails were deleted from Clinton’s illegally maintained private email server right after the New York Times broke the story on the existence of the server. A computer forensics team was able to recover the deleted emails.

Online news media publication The Hill on Mar 8, 2016, tweeted a screenshot of the game and a link to a report.


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