Framed In America The Making Of Political Prisoners

On Saturday, February 24th, 2018 The MOVE Organization and Supporters of MOVE called for all our friends in NYC and the TriState area to join us at The National Black Theater in Harlem NYC for a historic program we are hosting entitled Framed In America The Making Of Political Prisoners. Our program will have a two-part focus where the first part will focus on the Upcoming May 2018 Parole Hearings for Janet, Janine, and Debbie Africa and the fact that The Move 9 have been parole eligible for ten years now. The second part of our program will focus on the upcoming August 2018 40th imprisonment of The Move 9 and our plans of action For August 2018 in terms of The Move 9.

This was a very historic program as Fred Hampton Jr. was our keynote speaker for the evening and we had a very wonderful strong line up to accompany Chairman Fred such speakers as Human Rights Attorney Roger Wareham, Professor Johanna Fernandez, Sister Betty Davis, Ralph Poynter, Ramona Africa, Pam Africa and others.


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