Thando Radio Show: POISONED BAIT

Live Monday through Friday, The Thando Radio Show covers global current events as relating and affecting the Black community to effectively respond from a position of advantage. Some of the topics that are explored will be how to purchase Silver & Gold and why one should have investments in Precious Metals. In the area of health, we discuss things like how to strengthen and detox one’s body. Collective prudence and why the Black community must engage in this form of economics.

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One Reply to “Thando Radio Show: POISONED BAIT”

  1. “…CIA sources in Asia as well as Rothschild family sources in the U.S. say that in March…“is the beginning of the great financial unwind.”

    The CIA source explained as follows: “The Dow Jones will most likely reach 30,000 by mid-March. This is the number needed to have totally drained all the remaining liquid assets of the people. An EVENT will occur, the plug will be pulled, and the collapse will be put in motion. This will be the ripple that turns into a global tsunami… this is their current plan.” The source added, “What comes after the plug is pulled sometime in March is that the gold-backed currency in which Russia, China, India, and Indonesia are involved together will come online.”

    This CIA source also points out that the Trump regime’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation “opens a very big can of worms globally,” because so many foreign governments have donated to it.”

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