Tanya Free & Friends: Will Flynn & Tax Bill Be Trump’s Downfall?

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Why was 45 so quiet Friday? Wonder if it had anything to do with Flynn pleading guilty for lying to the FBI? Who’s going down…let’s talk about it. Matt Lauer out the door for alleged inappropriate behavior … who would have thought? Why are 45 and Roy Moore being held to different standards? Speaking of double standards, John Conyers has retired from Congress under pressure.Why aren’t we, the American people outraged at the Republican tax bill that will add a trillion dollars to the deficit? Washington is out of control…

The Tanya Free and Friends Talk Show is heard on WCLM1450AM in Central Virginia, WMXP 95.5 FM in Greenville ,SC, AMFM 247 Network Nationwide, The New Orleans Talk Network and May We Help You Radio Network. streaming LIVE on Tunein.com, Black Talk Radio Network, and TanyaFree.com @ 2 pm ET/1C. Watch us LIVE on The Tanya Free and Friends Webcam @ ustreamtv, TanyaFree.com, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and TWITTER. Check out the Listen page on TanyaFree.com for times and schedules for repeat broadcasts.

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