New Abolitionists Radio: Slave Catcher Brutality In The United States Is No Trivial Matter

Today is the December 6th broadcast of New Abolitionists Radio, a program that shares news and information related to 21st Century Slavery and Human Traffick with the intent to provide evidence that the 13th Amendment is being enforced to maintain slavery and involuntary servitude through the courts and prisons because the sad fact is, the United States in no time in its history has ever truly abolished slavery.

In addition to several other news stories, we want to recognize the assassination of Chairman Fred Hampton and Mark Clark of the Illinois Black Panther Party who was murdered in his sleep by Chicago cops on December 4, 1969.

The rider of the 21st Century Underground Railroad is Marcellius Bradford who spent over a decade in prison for a crime he did not commit.

Our abolitionist in profile is Moses Brown.

Our History of Rebellion is the story of Wesley Harris.

This and more tonight on New Abolitionists Radio.

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