New Abolitionists Radio: Slavery Abolitionism Is Not Going Away Until Legalized Slavery Is Abolished In The USA

Today is the November 8th, 2017 broadcast of New Abolitionists Radio.

• On this day in 1864, Northern voters overwhelmingly endorsed the leadership and policies of President Abraham Lincoln when they elect him to a second term.

Lincoln was a political and moral chameleon using or saying whatever needed to be said or used in order to achieve his goals. Goals that were not fundamentally aligned with the abolition of slavery. Like Fredrick Douglass’s denouncement of the emancipation as a fraud, Lincoln’s statements on race purity, white supremacy and in support of the legal continuation of slavery can be found listed under things you’ll never see in a history textbook.

• Tribal and I are now in Newcomerstown, Ohio trying to help establish something great. We need your help. We’ll explain tonight.

• As always, we have more articles and stories pertaining to modern slavery than we can possibly cover. Be sure to follow us on New Abolitionists radio on facebook to see the full list and don’t walk away today without getting a yearly membership subscription to
We’re building institutions together and this is one of them.

• Our Abolitionist in Profile tonight is Sojourner Truth AKA Isabella Baumfree (1791-11/26/1883)

• In the segment ‘For Freedom’s Sake. A History of Rebellion.’ We will remember the Carroll County Mississippi Courthouse Massacre that occurred March 17, 1886, where blacks attempted to use the courts against their white oppressors.

• Our Rider of the 21st Century Underground Railroad is Dwayne Thorpe, 34, of Philadelphia. Unjustly incarcerated since 2008, This past Friday a judge ruled that the homicide detective who arrested him fabricated evidence and provided trial testimony that was so prejudicial it should have resulted in a mistrial.

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