Race Treaty: Lenard Walker, President of Descendants of American Slaves

Guest: Norman G. Kurland, J.D., President of Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) P.O. Box 40711, Washington, DC 20016, (O) 703-243-5155, (F) 703-243-5935,(E) thirdway@cesj.org. (Web) http://www.cesj.org, will be in discussion with Lenard Walker, President of Descendants of American Slaves, http://www.descendantsofamericanslaves.com/descendants-of-american-slaves/ on how the third way is intending to be used to empower the black community. This program builds upon the last show, where Kurland was interviewed.

This program highs the working relationship between the Center for Economic and Social Justice and the Descendants of American Slaves. Membership in CESJ is open to all who share our Core Values and Code of Ethics. CESJ builds upon Louis Kelso’s binary economic theory for shaping policy; a national economic agenda called “the Capital Homestead Act”ownership democratization vehicles for community, regional, national and global development; and Justice-Based Leadership, Governance and Management concepts for building organizational cultures of ownership, servant leadership, and justice. Descendants of American Slaves, (DAS) asserts that the way to undo racism is to eliminate referencing color but use ethnic identity as political status, similar to the use of a national minority in international law. They are lobbying for such a status to be established as indigenous people enjoy nationhood within the USA Multi-state.

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