Race Treaty: The Third Way: ACESJ pathway to economic and social justice

Guest: Norman G. Kurland, J.D., President of Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ). We will discuss what is the third way, the work of on extending economic power to every citizen of the world. Kurland, a long time civil rights activist and organizer, established CESJ as a founding member of the emerging Global Justice Movement. CESJ helped launch Just Third Way websites in Canada and in Australia. Established in 1984, the Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) is a non-profit 501(c)(3), all-volunteer educational center, grassroots think-tank and social action catalyst. CESJ’s mission is to advance liberty and justice for every person through equal opportunity and access to the means to become a capital owner. Membership in CESJ is open to all who share our Core Values and Code of Ethics.

CESJ builds upon Louis Kelso’s binary economic theory for shaping policy; a national economic agenda called “the Capital Homestead Act”; ownership democratization vehicles for community, regional, national and global development; and Justice-Based Leadership, Governance and Management concepts for building organizational cultures of ownership, servant leadership, and justice. CESJ is proud to be a founding organizational member of the Coalition for Capital Homesteading and the Global Justice Movement (.ORG). We encourage you to join in on this groundbreaking show.

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