The C.O.W.S. Frantz Fanon: The Wretched of the Earth Part 9 (Conclusion)

Friday, October 6th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy hosts the ninth and final study session on Frantz Fanon’s 1961 “classic”, The Wretched of the Earth. Born in Martinique in 1925, Fanon is an internationally acclaimed psychiatrist who dedicated his 36 years of life to eradicating White terrorism. He battled for Algerian independence from French colonial domination and black liberation world wide. Fanon also penned Black Skin, White Mask, which is a psychoanalysis of the perversions and neurosis that permeates sexual activity between Whites and black people. Interestingly, Fanon himself married a White woman. The writer and psychiatrist died from leukemia the same year The Wretched of the Earth was published; it’s reported that Fanon’s health deteriorated to the point that he dictated segments of the text to his White spouse. During Last week’s session, Fanon reviewed case studies from different patients he treated during his psychiatric practice.  He uses this cases to illustrate how colonialism corrupts the health of black people. He spends time explaining how an Algerian freedom fighter reacted to his wife being raped by colonial soldiers. The sexual tyranny was a deliberate response to the husband’s counter-terrorism work. Interestingly, Fanon also counseled Whites who terrorized and pillaged non-white people. He specifically recounts a European officer who hoped to Fanon would help him torture Algerians without conscience. As we conclude this text, we’ll share final thoughts on why this book is so adored.


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