BTR News: Former Slave Catcher David A. Clarke Jr. Ignorantly Tweets About Slavery

Former Sherrif and Milwaukee County, Wisconsin slave catcher David A. Clarke Jr is back to doing what he does best and that is running his mouth spewing venomous political and racial rhetoric devoid of any logic or common decency. Last night on Twitter the disgraced Clarke accused the left of wanting to punish “white people” for slavery. Clarke who resigned recently under pressure from several criminal investigations related to detainees who died or were murdered by deputies in the county jail he managed. Clarke has yet to be charged criminally. He has found employment with a Pro-Trump super-PAC where he will be paid to bully people on social media and through speeches, tell lies, single out Americans calling them the “enemy” and “scum” that needs to be eradicated, the very same rhetoric used by the white supremacist terrorists who flocked to Charlottesville to protest discussion on the removal of the anti-American monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee, an icon for slavery and white supremacy cloaked in “states rights”. Clarke unrestrained by the public office he once held, if such a thing existed during his tenure, expect him to become louder and more belligerent as a paid propagandist for the terrorist forces that operate in the United States.

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