BTR News: Transexual Killed By Victim of Sexual Deception

A young man’s life was ruined when he was sentenced to 40 years of prison slavery in Mississippi for the killing of a transsexual person he met online, met at a hotel, had some form of sex and then killed after they revealed their true sexual identity. The AP reports, “A former Navy sailor has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for the 2016 stabbing death of a transgender woman in Mississippi. Dwanya Hickerson, 21, pleaded guilty Thursday to murder in the killing of Dee Whigham, 25, in a St. Martin hotel room on July 23. Hickerson will also have to serve 15 years for a robbery charge. He could have faced the death penalty if he had gone to trial on the original charge of capital murder.”


Scotty T. Reid has been writing and podcasting about social/political issues since 2007 and is the producer of several successful digital radio programs and the founder of the non-profit new media education organization Black Talk Media Project and the Black Talk Radio Network. He is part of the New Abolitionists Movement to abolish slavery in the United States as permitted by the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution. He is a United States Army veteran, serving a tour in the Gulf War and one of the many descendants of American Revolutionary Samuel Rankin that still reside in Gaston County, North Carolina. He is also a descendant of Afro-Americans of North Carolina and the Cherokee tribes of Western North Carolina. He considers the Autobiography of Malcolm X to be the greatest influence on his life.

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One Reply to “BTR News: Transexual Killed By Victim of Sexual Deception”

  1. Hi Scotty,

    The Navy Sailor who was convicted of the murder of a transgender,Dwanya Hickerson is my son. Dwanya has not been granted the full opportunity to tell his story about being the victim of sexual fraud. Most transgenders are not forthcoming with their orientation and have signed into “straight, man seeking woman” dating sites to seek out and prey upon unsuspecting straight males. If you would like to have a conversation and accurately hear my sons side of the story, please contact me.
    In the upcoming months I will be initiating a campaign to bring awareness for the rights of straight males to know a persons true gender and disclosure of born sexual identity. To date men have no recourse to this very deceptive act of sexual fraud, that goes beyond “catfishing”. This awareness will save lives. It will open up dialogue on both sides about being honest when dealing with a potential sex partner.

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