New Abolitionists Radio: Abolition Today, Abolition Tomorrow, Abolition Forever

Today is the July 19th, 2017 broadcast of New Abolitionists Radio. We are little more than a month away from the MILLIONS FOR PRISONERS HUMAN RIGHTS MARCH ON WASHINGTON, DC August 19th. The largest gathering of Slavery Abolitionists in US history. If you aren’t organizing a local sister event or even better, saving your pennies to get to DC on the 19th then you suck. That is all.

• On this day in History, in 1799, during Napoleon Bonaparte’s Egyptian campaign, a French soldier discovers a black basalt slab inscribed with ancient writing near the town of Rosetta, which would later be come to known as the Rosetta Stone that resurrected a 2,000-year-old dead language.

Also, one day before today (the 18th of July) in 2015 I became the 1st slavery abolitionist to stand at the SC state capitol and deliver a speech about ending slavery to a huge throng of South Carolinians since prior to 1865.
It was called the PushBlack and united multiple black and white organizations in opposition to the Confederate flag flying over the statehouse and also in opposition to hate rallies by white militias at the state capitol. We literally kicked their asses out of town and they haven’t been back to any significant degree since.

On our radar today:

• Study: cities rely more on fines for revenue if they have more black residents.
Using data from more than 9,000 cities, the researchers first found that cities with larger black populations rely more on fines and court fees to raise revenue.

• U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Wednesday that federal law officials will expand civil asset forfeiture, meaning they can more easily take your property without pressing criminal charges or following state laws.

• Baltimore police are caught on body cam video planting drugs on innocent people. The next day charges are dropped, but days later, the same officer is called by prosecutors to testify in another case.

• The family of late reggae icon and marijuana activist Peter Tosh is seeking answers after they say his son was left in a coma following an attack in a New Jersey jail, where he was serving a six-month sentence on pot possession charges.

• Our Rider of the 21st Century Underground Railroad is Desmond Ricks. Prosecutors in Detroit have dropped all charges as his murder conviction was thrown out June 1st after he served 25 years in prison.

• In the segment ‘For Freedom’s Sake. A History of Rebellion.’ We will be remembering The 1733 St. John Insurrection.

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