New Abolitionists Radio Weekly 5/31

Today is the May 31st, 2017 broadcast of New Abolitionists Radio. On this date in history, 1962, Near Tel Aviv, Israel, Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi SS officer who organized Adolf Hitler’s “final solution of the Jewish question,” was executed for his crimes against humanity. Like the current Back the Blue Act of 2017 now in Congress. Every genocide sanctioned by the government is considered legal and they do indeed seek to make themselves legally untouchable for their crimes against humanity.

• In what seems to be an epidemic of 15-year-old boys being killed by police, on Friday, May 26, 2017, fifteen-year-old Darrius Smith was executed by an off-duty law enforcement officer. But there is so much more to it than that. We’ll explain shortly.

• 3 male correction officers employed in a federal prison in Brooklyn face charges as serial rapists victimizing their enslaved prisoners.

• An inmate firefighter died Wednesday when a 120-foot-tall tree fell on him while he was battling a wildfire in Humboldt County, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Earning a mere $2 a day California operates 43 camps, which house about 3,900 inmate firefighters. Estimated at a billion dollars in annual service.

• Advocates hope to end the policy in Texas of jailing poor for unpaid fines. More than 200,000 Texans can’t renew their licenses and approximately 400,000 have holds on vehicle registrations due to unpaid fines, according to the report. In 2015, almost 3 million warrants were issued in cases where the punishment was originally just a fine.

• In a unanimous decision, the United States Supreme Court Tuesday made it more difficult to sue police officers who accidentally shoot the wrong person. The case involved two LA County sheriff’s deputies who shot and wounded Angel Martinez and Jennifer Lynn Garcia in 2010 as they were lying on their bed inside a shack in Lancaster.

• Republicans in both houses of the US Congress introduced a bill they’re calling the Back the Blue Act of 2017. The bill would create new federal crimes, impose federal police over the will of local officials and voters and shield police officers from virtually any civil liability, even in cases of egregious misconduct.

• Our Abolitionist in Profile will be provided by Scotty T Reid.

• Our Rider of the 21st Century Underground Railroad is James Shepherd who spent years in prison for a crime he did not commit.

• And in our new segment, For Freedom’s Sake. A History of Rebellion. We will be remembering The German Coast slave uprising of 1811. it is regarded by some historians as the largest revolt of its sort in American history.

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