The C.O.W.S. Coretta Scott King: MY LIFE, MY LOVE, MY LEGACY PART 8

Friday, May 19th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy hosts the eighth study session on the 2017 autobiography of the late Coretta Scott King, My Life, My Love, My Legacy. Mrs. King passed away in January 2006. Before her death, the civil rights icon discussed her life with acclaimed journalist, Rev. Dr. Barbara Reynolds. The New Orleans Tribune encourages everyone to read this book, calling it a timely read for the current climate of hostility and “emboldened” White Supremacy. Last week’s session detailed Mrs. King being bamboozled by White politicians like George McGovern and former president Richard Nixon. Recognizing the political clout the civil rights icon had with many whites and a number of black people, politicians hoped for PR opportunities and the possibility of obtaining Mrs. King’s endorsement. She also discussed her unabashed appreciation for former president Jimmy Carter – a fellow Georgian who often invoked the name of Dr. King. Mrs. King heavily admonished black people for failing to support Carter’s bid for re-election in 1980. During the final portion of the text, Mrs. King describes her own lengthy record of activism, including her labor to combat apartheid in South Africa. We’ll compare this text to other autobiographies covered on the book club – Maya Angelou, Assata Shakur, Malcolm X.


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One Reply to “The C.O.W.S. Coretta Scott King: MY LIFE, MY LOVE, MY LEGACY PART 8”

  1. Mr. Renegade good morning. I read your article in ABS. Good article. One thing: John Brown was the exception to the rule. I own a hoodie with a pic of a young John Brown on it. I get your point in the article, but I’m here to tell you, Mr. Brown was a Giant. One of my heroes , along with my parents, Malcolm, Martin, Miss Rosa , Miss Harriet, and many others. But rest assured, Mr. Brown is as great as they are great. Have a great day!

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