Race Treaty: Afrodescendant people and as workers in the United States Part 2

Our May 19th show will continue our discussions of our experiences as Afrodescendant people and as workers in the United States. More specifically, we will be considering some of the many corporate and political assaults on our economic, social, and cultural rights; and our varied forms of resistance to such racialized attacks. For this week’s edition, we will be heading to Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana, where we will be speaking with some of the Midwest Region’s most dedicated and experienced freedom fighters of Chicago and Gary, Indiana. Our guests this evening will be RENEE HATCHER, Law Professor, and Human Rights Atty., REV. DR. JOHN JACKSON, SR. a liberation pastor and activist, and LORENZO CROWELL, a 31-year veteran labor organizer with the Service Employees’ International Union.

Tonight’s program is dedicated to the memory of our own beloved Malcolm X, Al-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. We honor Malcolm X not only because he was fearless in his love of Black people in this country and around the world; but also because he earnestly sought to educate us regarding the necessity to understand our experiences, and our struggles, in human rights terms. Like a number of freedom fighters before him, Brother Malcolm worked to advance Black Liberation (in part) by bringing our oppression and our resistance struggles to the attention of the entire world through the United Nations.

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