New Abolitionists Radio Weekly 5/17

Today is the May 17th, 2017 broadcast of New Abolitionists Radio and the race war has officially been reinstated in full with AG Jeff Sessions prosecutorial memo to seek the maximum charges in all drug cases. That nickel bag of weed might get you life in prison nowadays.

On this day in 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, ruling that racial segregation in public educational facilities is unconstitutional. And just last month on April 28th Gardendale, Alabama legally went right back to segregated schools. Constitution be damned.

Events in regards to the US legalized slave system are unfolding at record rates. Our storyboard for tonight is overwhelming full. It would be impossible to cover it all. So, we’ll share what time allows during the broadcast and provide links to the stories we can’t fit today so be sure to follow us on New Abolitionists Radio on facebook so you can stay abreast. Just the events I’ve personally been involved with this week could fill the whole program, So let’s not waste too much time.

• Our Abolitionist in Profile will be provided by Scotty Reid.

• Our Rider of the 21st Century Underground Railroad is Isaiah McCoy, A death row prisoner for years, who on January 20th, 2017 walked out of the Howard R. Young Correctional Institution in Wilmington a free man after a judge found him not guilty of murder in his second trial.
And our new segment, For Freedom’s Sake. A History of Rebellion. Will be remembering The German Coast slave uprising of 1811 which is regarded by some historians as the largest revolt of its sort in American history.

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