The C.O.W.S. Coretta Scott King: MY LIFE, MY LOVE, MY LEGACY Part 7

Friday, May 12th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy hosts the seventh study session on the 2017 autobiography of the late Coretta Scott King, My Life, My Love, My Legacy. It’s been over a decade years since Mrs. King passed away in January 2006. Before her death, the civil rights icon reviewed her life with acclaimed journalist, Rev. Dr. Barbara Reynolds. The New Orleans Tribune encourages everyone to read this book, calling it a timely read for the current climate of hostility and “emboldened” White Supremacy. Last week’s session chronicled Mrs. King tireless campaign to establish the King Center in honor of her slain husband. She detailed how Souther Christian Leadership Conference members balked at her effort to construct the center because the felt it leached funds from other civil rights organizations. Demonstrating phenomenal black self respect, she advocated to make sure that a substantial number of black contractors were hired in constructing the center. Mrs. King also described being flattered and amazed at the “live” she experienced while visiting “white European countries!” Tragically, the book also details the murder of Dr. King’s mother and the suspicious death of his brother, AD; the deaths suggest the entire King family may have been under direct white supremacist assault. We’ll compare this text to other autobiographies covered on the book club – Maya Angelou, Assata Shakur, Malcolm X.


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