Friday, April 21st 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy hosts the fourth study session on the 2017 autobiography of the late Coretta Scott King, My Life, My Love, My Legacy. It’s been  more than a decade since Mrs. King passed away. Before her death, the civil rights veteran collaborated with acclaimed journalist, Rev. Dr. Barbara Reynolds. The New Orleans Tribune praised the autobiography, calling it an appropriate read for the current climate of flagrant hostility and “emboldened” White Supremacy. Last week’s session detailed the international attention lavished on she and Dr. King following their successful bus boycott in Montgomery. Globetrotting to see black people in positions of power as well as the “anti-colonial” movements on the continent and India greatly impacted Mrs. King and the numerous other African Americans who traveled abroad. Mrs. King also explained the daily horrors of wondering if her husband would be killed or maimed while being held captive in White southern jails. These fears explain the immense gratitude the King family felt towards President John F. Kennedy who helped get Dr. King released from confinement in 1960. Mrs. King and many others think this was a watershed moment when black people abandoned the Republican party. Mrs. King also explained her efforts to balance being a mother, a wife, a civil rights activist and a professional. We’ll compare this text to some of the other biographies we’ve covered on the book club – Maya Angelou, Assata Shakur, Malcolm X.


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