Tanya Free & Friends: Is War With North Korea On The Horizon?

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Over the past two weeks; the U.S. has launched 59 Tomahawk missiles in an attack on Syria and dropped the mother of all bombs in Afghanistan …. And we may be on the brink of World War III if things don’t chill out between the U.S. and North Korea.

United Airlines has been in the news after an innocent passenger was dragged off a plane suffering a broken nose and concussion. FACEBOOK admits it took too long to identify and take down videos of the fatal shooting Sunday of an elderly man and his alleged killer’s plan and live confession.

Here we go again, an unarmed black man is punched in the face and kicked in the head by police and ….another unarmed black man accused of jaywalking was slammed to the ground and punched repeatedly by cops. Excessive force is in full swing!!!
How does a cable news pundit justify comparing the 45th President and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

These stories and more TODAY on the Tanya Free and Friends Talk Show 2pm eastern/1pm central.

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