Friday, April 14th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy hosts the third study session on the 2017 autobiography of the late Coretta Scott King, My Life, My Love, My Legacy. It’s been  more than a decade since Mrs. King passed away. Before her death the civil rights veteran collaborated with acclaimed journalist, Rev. Dr. Barbara Reynolds. The New Orleans Tribune highly recommended the autobiography, calling it an appropriate read for the current climate of open hostility and “emboldened” White Supremacy. Last week’s segment detailed the 1956 terrorist bombing of the King residence after Dr. was took the helm of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Mrs. King had only been married to Dr. King for a short period of time when they were bombed, and they had a 10-week old daughter at the time of the attack. Mrs. King describes refusing her parents request that they leave Alabama. Listeners emphasized that the text did not include that some black people around King were armed to protect black lives. Book also explained the fear Mrs. King felt when Dr. King was first arrested. She knew that her husband could have easily been killed. The text also includes detailed history on Mrs. and Dr. King’s parents – including Dr. King’s father being stripped naked as a child and whipped by a White man. We’ll compare this text to some of the other biographies we’ve covered on the book club – Maya Angelou, Assata Shakur, Malcolm X.


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