Time for an Awakening with Haki Kweli Shakur

“Time for an Awakening” for Sunday 3/26/2017 at 7:00 PM (EST) 6:00 PM (CST) will be Activist, Researcher, Historian, Haki Kweli Shakur. With March 25th marking the International day of remembrance of the victims of slavery and the trans-atlantic slave trade, we’ll talk about the resistance of our ancestors at sites located in Virginia and North Carolina with our guest. Also open forum conversation with the listeners. In 2017, from the need to develop a new mindset in our communities, to our political and economic empowerment, the solution to these problems must come from us. Let’s also talk about some solutions. You can join us and be part of the conversation on this and other related topics. Information, insights and dialogue from a Black Perspective.

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