The C.O.W.S. Keith Beauchamp Wonders If New Emmett Till Book Protects a Murderer

Wednesday, February 15th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy welcomes the return of Keith Beauchamp. Maker of the 2005 documentary The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till, Beauchamp’s research into Till’s 1955 murder prompted the Department of Justice to re-open their investigation into the killing. Mr. Beauchamp worked with Till’s mother, Mamie Till Mobley, for nearly a decade. We’ll get Mr. Beauchamp’s thoughts on Timothy B. Tyson’s new book on this subject, The Blood of Emmett Till. Tyson’s feature talking point is his 2008 exclusive interview with Carolyn Bryant Donham, the White Woman who accused Till of sexually violating her. Ms. Donham admitted to Tyson that she lied. We’ll discuss the 2007 grand jury that refused to indict Ms. Donham, as well as Mr. Tyson’s decision to not inform Till’s family about Ms. Donham’s confession.


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2 Replies to “The C.O.W.S. Keith Beauchamp Wonders If New Emmett Till Book Protects a Murderer”

  1. As Malcolm would have said, any black who buys this book is a traitor! We cannot help him to become a successful author with a best seller!! We should demand that she be produced and tried for murder because her lies cost a young black boy his life and left his mother broken heart for life. Why should she be allowed to enjoy her children, her family and her life with impunity and probably many kudos and accolades while our ancestors to include Emmett Till were killed for simply being black?

  2. She should not be able to get away from this travesty……hopefully she will pass away soon.hopefully.

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