Tanya Free & Friends Talk Show 2/15

Tanya Free
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There were a series of setbacks for the 45th President last week. Protests continue around the country. His Travel Ban was struck down in court amid reports that National Security advisor Mike Flynn did in fact talk to the Russians about sanctions prior to inauguration. And that’s just the beginning! White House Counsel Kellyanne Conway was herself reportedly counseled for using the White House to promote Ivanka Trumps clothing line after the President attacked Nordstrom by tweet for treating his daughter so unfairly by dropping her clothing line.

And while we were all distracted by this clown side show, North Korea and Russia were busy threatening the world by firing ballistic missiles and the release of a report revealing that African-Americans fatally shot by police were twice as likely as whites to be unarmed. These stories and more TODAY on the Tanya Free and Friends Talk Show.

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