The C.O.W.S. Farewell Obamas, The Inauguration of President Donald J. Trump

Friday, January 20th 11:30AM Eastern/ 8:30AM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy broadcasts the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump. (This was a 6 hour broadcast, the final 90 minutes is linked here.)We’ll spend the day reflecting on the past eight years of Obama’s presidency. Death threats, Obamacare, the Tea Party, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. After nearly a decade, the Obamas depart the White House. And honestly, it seems First Lady Michelle Obama, many Racist Whites, and a sizable number of black people are jubilant that Barack, Sasha and Malia will have a new address. Our retrospective will include some of most memorable moments of the Obama years: the “More Perfect Union” speech of 2008; selections from Dreams From My Father; his 2016 commencement speech at Howard University. We’ll revisit a number of Obama’s critics, including: C.O.W.S. listeners, Bill Cosby, Dr. Cornel West, Michael Eric Dyson, King Simon, Ta-Nehisi Coates. We’ll also hear commentary Neely Fuller Jr. and Dr. Frances Cress Welsing; the two attempted counter-racists offered keen insight on the “first black president.”


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