Justice Radio Station PREMISE: LESSON ONE-The only ‘Thing’ to ‘Unite’ Everyone (All) is “ABSOLUTE TRUTH”

Nightly 8 p.m.Est Express Self (712) 770-4160 Code 918135# (ON AIR) *6 1
United Kingdom +44(0) 330-606-0515 Code 918135#
(ON AIR) *6 1

 Double identity crisis   1. Who Am I? 2. If I am in the image of (God) a true identity image is Infinite, Absolute, Complete, Eternal.

Then what should I call the body which I am Taught is my Self (ie)

Where do I start to solve this double identity crisis?

 Form a strong political base in community with only strength I have Individual Immediate Power and Absolute Truth!

Political strategy to counter mistreatment system (Corporation).

Everyone being taught Reality by Systems( Economic, Education. Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, War) whose interest is to keep Everyone out of their mind.

Thanks to everyone, Worldwide helping to make Justice a reality.

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