BTR News – Obama Helping To Keep The DNC Out Of Abolitionist Hands

CEO Obama almost out the door is trying to keep the DNC from falling into progressive hands and helping corporate Democrats to kill Rep. Keith Ellison’s bid to become the next DNC Chair.

Democrats and their Neo-Conservative Republican allies keep pushing the fake news that Russia “hacked” the US elections while reports of Election Fraud state that there were next to no cases of voter fraud.

The Electoral College meets today and Democrats are calling on electors to break the rules. Emails showing the Democrats broke DNC rules to favor Clinton is the reason they say people did not vote for Clinton. Ethics lesson not learned!

Remember when Ben Carson said he might get a cabinet position for endorsing Trump after meeting with Trump in Florida during the campaign? Well, Mr. Carson has been nominated for the HUD job. Is that not illegal? Mr. Carson is said to have accused HUD of “social engineering” for pushing placement of poor people in mixed income neighborhoods.

A new book is out as a former CIA analyst and military officer are looking to capitalize off the capture of Saddam Hussein. Fox News produced a propaganda piece about this book but it is evident there were never any WMD’s and that USA Inc destabilized the region and caused over one million deaths and counting.

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