The C.O.W.S. INDEFENSIBLE: The Wrongful Prosecution of the UAlbany Three

Wednesday, November 30th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific


The Context of White Supremacy examines the film, INDEFENSIBLE: The Wrongful Prosecution of the Albany Three. The filmmakers will join us to re-visit an important incident from the beginning of 2016. Three black female University of Albany students, Ariel Agudio, Asha Burwell, and Alexis Briggs, reported that a mob of drunken White passengers terrorized them on a CDTA public bus. Many expressed outrage about the incident, including presidential candidate Hillary R. Clinton, who tweeted, “There’s no excuse for racism and violence on a college campus.” However, soon after the incident, university police released portions of video footage. Officials concluded the footage exonerated the White passengers of all wrongdoing and proceeded to charge the three black females with assault and filing a false report. The three were indicted in May. The University of Albany also took punitive action, expelling Agudio and Burwell and suspending Briggs for two years. INDEFENSIBLE “examines the ways both race and racism are viewed” in this case and highlights “the inherent problems in allowing the benefactors of racism to define and legitimize what constitutes a racially motivated act.” We’ll discuss how this case has been reported and where things stand currently.


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