Today's Entrepreneur

Today’s Entrepreneur w/ Mario Araujo, President and Founder of AztecaNet

Mario Araujo, President and Founder of AztecaNet, has over twenty years of technical experience in software development and network consulting (please see Mario’s extraordinary resume). He has worked for a number of top firms throughout the world including Hughes Aircraft Company, Lear Astronics Corporation, Symantec, Xerox Corporation and Open Environment Corporation (in Japan).

marioAs a Latino businessperson, Mr. Araujo and AztecaNet have won numerous awards including the prestigious “Telecommunications Company of the Year” award from the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and commendations from the California State Senate and the California State Assembly for 2000. This is a reflection of the company’s mission to provide the Latino community and the greater Los Angeles community with quality Internet products and technology consulting services.

Mario who has worked in corporate America for over 20 years before he started his own company. Those 20 years have been a roller-coaster ride. Tune in, buckle up and listen to his back story. What a ride!

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