The C.O.W.S. THE SPOOK WHO SAT BY THE DOOR Part 6 (Conclusion)

Friday, October 21st 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

272075-1020-aThe Context of White Supremacy hosts the sixth and final study session on Sam Greenlee’s 1969 tour de force, The Spook Who Sat By The Door. The bestseller was adapted into a major motion picture in 1973 and remains a beloved testament to 1960’s black rage. Greenlee died in 2014. The main character, Dan Freeman, becomes the first black agent at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Freeman acquires as much knowledge as possible in order to teach his skills and expertise with terrorized black people so that they can coordinate a counter-violence offensive against White Supremacy. Last week’s session described the invasion of Chicago by white National Guard troops. The invaders stated mission was to restore White rule and negro subordination. Dan Freeman calmed the fears of White fellow White social workers, while preparing the Cobras to neutralize the National Guard. Freeman’s counter-revolutionaries capture Colonel “Bull” Evans and poison him with LSD. Significantly, in the film, Evans is drugged and killed; in the text he’s allowed to live. We’ll finish the book this week and present our overall impression of Greenlee’s work and what truths this novel presents about White Supremacy.


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