BTR News – Black Panther Party reflections as 50th Anniversary approaches

Tune in for an hour or more of news and commentary from a Black perspective.

Tune in for an hour or more of news and commentary from a Black perspective.

Today’s special guest is JoNina Ervin who joined the Black Panther Party in 1972 and a current member of The National Alumni Association of the Black Panther Party in addition to her recent work in the Black Autonomy Federation.

Using her journlism degree, Mrs. Ervin would eventually end being the last last editor of the Black Panther Party’s newspaper which was distributed internationally, before it along with the BPP fell victim to J Edgar Hoover and the FBI’s illegal activities to destroy black freedom groups like the Panthers.

She shares with us how she learned of the BPP as a young woman and why she took the bold step to become a revolutionary. Will also get her to share advice with younger movement activist of the current period of Black struggle behind the enemy lines of USA INC.

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