Time For An Awakening

10606117_763043727162585_6332195529160275472_n“Time for an Awakening” for Sunday 10/09/2016 at 7:00 PM (EST) 6:00 PM (CST) will be Community Activists, Wanda and Robert Dickerson, founders of UCC ( United Community Center). They will talk about their twenty year labor of love reshaping the communities in Camden and Philadelphia. In the 8:00 hour our second guests will be Monica Williams and Ray Wilkerson, chief organizers for OMCBV&C. They will give us an update leading to the National Convention October 21-23, 2016 in Atlanta, GA. In 2016, from the need to develop a new mindset in our communities, to our political and economic empowerment, the solution to these problems must come from us. Let’s also talk about some solutions. You can join us and be part of the conversation on this and other related topics. Information, insights and dialogue from a Black Perspective.

Studio Line: 1-215-253-7263
Listen Only: 605-562-3140 Ex. Code 958590# To get involved in the conversation hit *61

Listen online to “Time For An Awakening” live Sundays at 7:00 or the podcast stream anytime by clicking the listen tab on the left side of the Time For An Awakening Media Facebook page and hit the button or go to http://www.blacktalkradionetwork.com/timeforanawakening/
http://www.timeforanawakening.com/timeforanawakeningradiop…/ and do the same.
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PODCAST available now!

PODCAST of past guest such as:
Cynthia McKinney, BaBa Ashra Kwesii, BaBa Runoko Rashidi, Dr.Leonard Jeffries , Michelle Alexander, Boyce Watkins, Wlimer Leon, Tom Burrel, James Clingman , Ezra Aharone, Dr. Umar Johnson , State Of Black Farmers Series,Milton Alimadi, Dr. Tony Browder, Dr. Ray Winbush and many, many others



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