New Abolitionists Radio Weekly 9/21

New SlavesTune in for two hours of news and commentary on 21st Century Slavery & Human Trafficking.

September 21st 2016

• Cognitive dissonance. Doublethink. Denial. We’ll address those tonight. We’ll also talk about the most recent killings by police. The murders inside prison walls by guards and the uprisings happening week after week across America. We’re two weeks into the national prison labor work strike and we plan on calling folks out about their silence on the matter.

• It’s 3 days before The Missouri Cure’s 13th annual human rights conference where I will be the keynote speaker. It’s been a long time since a slavery abolitionist was the keynote speaker, Yohanan will give a presentation and tribal Raine will be performing heart stopping poetry at a human rights conference. Tell KCMO the abolitionists are coming.

• We’re going to cover all that and more tonight on New Abolitionists Radio. Right now text, post or share the program and tell them to listen in at

New questions. Real answer and legitimate solutions. You might not like them but over and over we’re been the only ones making any sense of all of this. Our track record speaks for itself.
Let’s get this program started.

• Our Rider of the 21st Century Underground Railroad is Jerome Morgan who was wrongly arrested at age 17 and prosecuted for the murder. On May 27, 2016, the Orleans Parish District Attorney dismissed the second degree murder charges against Jerome, and he was finally exonerated.

• As usual our abolitionist in profile this week will be provided by Scotty Reid.

Expect all of that and more tonight on New Abolitionists Radio

If you’d like to share a comment or question call in and join us 1-641-715-3660. The access code is 549032#

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