Crowdfunding Digital Black Media

BTR News – Florida student’s father killed by police refuses to stand for anthem

Marlon Brown
Marlon Brown Sr. gets run down by Deland, Florida  police in 2013.

Tune in for an hour or more of news, information and commentary. Today we have are scheduled to have two guests. During the first hour we will speak with Cher’ie Walker. of Black Wall Street USA.

During the second hour, we hope to connect with a Florida mom and her son who refused to stand for the US national anthem. The child’s father was killed by Florida cops when they ran him down with a vehicle and the DOJ as in 95% of cases, said the killing was justified. Marlon Brown was killed on May 8, 2013 by former Deland Police officer James Paul Harris.

9-2-2016 3-31-38 PM

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