The C.O.W.S. Global Sunday Talk On Racism 08/21/16

Sunday, August 21st 3:00PM Eastern/ 12:00PM Pacific

Protest for Mark Duggan

The Context of White Supremacy hosts our monthly Global Sunday Talk On Racism. This program is constructed to encourage participation from Victims of Racisms outside the United States and/or non-white people who are unable to call-in during our usual program time. Our July broadcast of this segment was simultaneous with the reported shooting of three police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. We’ll get an international perspective on last month’s alleged police killings as well as the five year anniversary of the killing of Mark Duggan and the ensuing “London Riots.” Much like Michael Brown Jr., Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice and so many other dead black people, no one was ever prosecuted for Duggan’s death. We also look forward to hearing an international perspective on the 2016 Olympics in Brazil. Heavily melanated athletes took lots of gold, but an equal amount of time was spent discussing the Zika virus as well as Racist Suspect Ryan Lochte.
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