Friday, August 19th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific


The Context of White Supremacy hosts the sixth study session on Randy Roberts and Johnny Smith’s 2016 book, Blood Brothers: The Fatal Friendship Between Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X. The text was released months before the death of Ali. Roberts and Smith, both Racist Suspects, provide their interpretation of the genesis and abrupt conclusion to Ali and Minister Malcolm’s relationship and how their friendship deteriorated as Minister Malcolm’s exile from Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam became permanent. Unfortunately, Ali failed to reconcile things before Malcolm’s 1965 assasination. Last week’s session continued to evidence the extraordinary surveillance that Malcolm, Ali and the NOI were subjected to. FBI agents were in attendance for many meetings with these powerful black figures, and all manner of electronic equipment was employed to gain as much detail as possible about their lives as possible. Listeners/readers have consistently and shrewdly pointed out how the possible Racism of the authors influences the narrative, how we are encouraged to think about these Victims of Racism.  Again, this text should highlight the importance of not name-calling black people.


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