The Lotus Place – Breathing While Black

The Lotus Place 3000x3000As we fight and protest against police brutality and rights, some wonder are we living in 1960 or 2016?

Join us tonight as we discuss the injustices we are faced with and what are some solutions.

How can we organize and is a 1 year boycott effective?

Mind, Body, & Spirit w/ Mother Zola Segment… Melanin & more

Join in the lively discussions that always take place at the LOTUS PLACE!

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3 Replies to “The Lotus Place – Breathing While Black”

  1. Why can I not get the podcast for The Locust show?
    I have not been able to hear anything from this show since June.

    What happen?

    1. How were you receiving your podcasts, perhaps one of the platforms that distribute the feed isn’t updating. Thanks for the report.

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