BTR News – Dallas: The Aftermath

7-8-2016 2-32-14 PMTune in for an hour or more of news and commentary.

Today the world is in shock as numerous Dallas police officers were killed or wounded last night at a peaceful demonstration against police terrorism that is claiming the lives of far to many people from all walks of life.

Today is an open forum discussion as we watch the aftermath of Dallas.

Related News….

5 “Facts” about Alleged shooter Micah Xavier Johnson

Alex Jone’s InfoWars is pushing false headlines linking the Dallas snipers to “Black Lives Matter” and others saying BLM activists were celebrating the killing of slave catchers.

A young Black man makes the compelling case that America tolerates the killing of Americans (Black people) while dropping bombs on other countries in the name of “national security”.

In a ridiculous tweet that shows no black self respect whatsoever, Rep. John Lewis said he used to thank cops for their service after they killed his ass for being black.

State Department reopens probe into Hillary Clinton and her mishandling of classified information after Rep. Trey Gowdy exposes FBI Director James Comey as a fraud.


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2 Replies to “BTR News – Dallas: The Aftermath”

  1. My will is not that people get killed. However, i respect the black man who was trained with government tactic, giving them a taste of their own mayhem. Enough is enough on “law officers”, backed by corrupted DA’s\judges\city & state official’s, contually kill us\ black folks & get away with it. . I’m even more concerned by “the Game & Snoop Dog” on white media talking can we get alone, per se.. Then making matters questionable, night of BET what now?, VH1 movie list consist of South Central & New Jack City. What was the message? Maybe I’m paranoid, but I believe in the conspiracy theory, the willy lynch plan & the stay in y’all place slave movies.

    1. It is not a theory is a fact that they program us with violence to do harm to each other. Especially thought the
      “entertainment” field.

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