BTR News – The every day terrorism of USA Inc.

6-16-2016 2-53-15 PMTune in for an hour or more of news, information and commentary on the social political issues facing the world today.

The Orlando nightclub shooting is still dominating the headlines and expect Congressional hearings to follow as both Democrats and Republicans will seek to capitalize politically on the tragedy. The consensus is that the shooting alleged to be have been committed by the Afghanistan immigrant son was an act of a terrorism. Omar Mateen’s unreleased 911 call to dispatchers reportedly has a confession that he attacked the club because of the bombing of his country. The use of violence against civilians is meant to terrorize large numbers of people in order to bring about a political agenda. Mateen’s agenda was in his mind reportedly, to stop the bombings in Afghanistan.

Can we please stop with the “Crisis Actor” meme of the sister Patience Carter? A person working working as an intern for a corporate news network is not evidence that she is a fake victim planted by the US government’s intelligence services. If she were an actor don’t you think the racist US government would have given her better lines than to cite the suffering of black people in the USA and the bombing of non-white people in Afghanistan?

What is most disturbing is that no one is treating police terrorism against Black and Hispanic communities isn’t an emergency that requires a urgent response. A Chicago PD slave catcher was fired on Tuesday for stomping out a black man he another slave catcher were attempting to kidnap from the community seemly over allegations of violations of drug laws. After the video came out, a slave catcher with more authority fired the unnamed slave catcher caught on film stomping out the man. President Obama will not be requesting to meet with the victims of Chicago police.

Continuing the charade and coronation of Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey becomes that the latest but most transparent public figure to endorse the first person to run for President while under a criminal investigation and recently cited for breaking federal laws in an internal State Department Investigation.

Oprah and others are reminding us in the black community that we can not allow celebrity billionaires and millionaires to be the moral role models for our children. Little Wayne just endorsed Clinton too and he recently went into seizures from drinking too much “Lean”. Butter Biscuits and Slave Passes are undermining Black Liberation.

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