The C.O.W.S. w/ Cathy Dang: Asian Americans and White Supremacy

Monday, June 14th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

FOREIGN201602211306000045676759161The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Cathy Dang. As the Executive Director of Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence (CAAAV), Ms. Dang has lead campaigns for just living and working conditions in immigrant and communities of color for nearly a decade. She has devoted year of her life to community organizing in immigrant communities. Ms. Dang and CAAAV have been intimately involved with the 2014 shooting death of Akai Gurley. The unarmed black male was shot and killed by a Chinese-American NYPD officer, Peter Liang. Earlier this year, Liang was convicted of manslaughter, but was not sentenced to jail time. Thousands of Asian Americans across the country conducted massive protests in support of Peter Liang, suggesting that he was being scapegoated and was also a Victim. Ms. Dang has consistently stated that Liang should be held accountable for killing a US citizen. She used this case to illustrate how “Asian Americans are complicit and complacent to uphold white supremacy.”

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