The C.O.W.S. w/ Christopher Clark: South African Racist?

Monday, June 13th 3:00PM Eastern/ 12:00PM Pacific

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The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Christopher Clark live from South Africa. A self-professed “journalist, writer and wanderer,” Clark is a White man who’s had essays published at CNN, World Travel GuideBusiness Day, and The Huffington Post. He recently authored a blog titled: “I’m a racist, but I’m trying my best to amend for that.” Clark’subject is the recent kerfuffle involving Matthew Theunissen, this White man posted a  racist eruption on social media, but insisted that he was not Racist. Clark submits that this is typical White behavior – a complete refusal to admit that being Racist in spite of having White Supremacist beliefs and/or engaging in White Supremacist behavior. We’ll ask Mr. Clark about specific ways he has practiced Racism. We’ll also get his thoughts on the 20 year anniversary of South Africa’s Truth And Reconciliation Commission. There’s been a great deal of discussion about the past efforts of Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela, but also a good bit of outrage that post-apartheid, black suffering continues.

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