Friday, May 27th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

114192The Context of White Supremacy hosts the 6th study session on Harriet A. Washington’s spectacular text, Medical Apartheid: The Dark History Of Medical Experimentation On Black Americans From Colonial Times To Present. Washington’s phenomenal work exposes willful, premeditated plunder of black bodies under the guise of “science.” Washington’s research should recalibrate how black people process the scientific developments of whitefolks – like the “crispr” gene editing technology and DNA tracing websites that stockpile genetic material. Last week’s session detailed how the words of one White man – Dr. Abraham Flexner – damned all but two black medical schools after the conclusion of the Civil War. Washington also began her analysis of the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study that spanned more than three decades. Washington notes that “many white physicians were informed of the study’s details—but not African American physicians.” The trend of willful deception and fraudulent “scientific” practices is as fundamental to the Tuskegee study as is the flagrant disregard for black life. Medical Apartheid should be mandatory reading for attempted counter-racists and all black people.

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