BTR NEWS – Are We In The Beginning Stages Of The End of the Clinton Dynasty

5-27-2016 2-18-37 PMTune in for an hour or more of social / political news and commentary.

When Clinton friendly MSNBC airs a panel discussion on information contained within the State Department IG report an agency headed currently by Obama appointee Steve Linick who has been in that position since 2013, and the entire panel of journalist and political talking heads agree that Hillary Clinton has been lying about her use of email for over a year now.

Clinton has yet to sit down with any official investigators declining to be interviewed by the IG of the State Department along with 8 of her top aides so legally speaking her lying on the campaign trial is not what will land her in jail, if she feels compelled to stick to these lies once she testifies under oath in ongoing civil lawsuits in the federal courts and/or when the FBI finally sits her down in a chair to answer questions, that will be the moment when they say the rubber meets the road.

If Clintons lies under oath and to investigators like she has lied to the public, I don’t see how she escapes charges unless reports are true that half the FBI are contributors to her political campaign.

Which brings us to this question,

Is President Obama running political game on the Clintons and all along planned to let the Clintons hang themselves politically in a long term view of who controls the Democratic Party in the next 10 or 15 years.

This and possibly more over the next hour.

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