Time For An Awakening


Studio Line: 1-215-253-7263
Conf Line: 1-605-562-3140 Ex. Code 958590# Hit star 6 and 1 to comment on air
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“Time For An Awakening” guest for 5/1/2016 at 7:00 PM (EST) 6:00 PM (CST) will be Professor of Public Policy, African and African American Studies, Economics, and the director of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University, Dr. William A. Darity Jr. We’ll discuss why the time is now for an “Independent Black Political Party”, the economy and African Americans, and a solid blueprint  of reparations for  descendants of former  Slaves, with Dr. Darity. In 2016, from the need to develop a new mindset in our communities, to our political and economic empowerment, the solution to these problems must come from us. Let’s also talk about some solutions. You can join us and be part of the conversation on this and other related topics. Information, Insights and dialogue from a Black Perspective.

Studio Line: 1-215-253-7263

Listen Only: 605-562-3140 Ex. Code 958590# To get involved in the conversation hit *61

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PODCAST of past guest such as:

Cynthia McKinney, BaBa Ashra Kwesii, BaBa Runoko Rashidi, Dr.Leonard Jeffries , Michelle Alexander, Boyce Watkins, Wlimer Leon, Tom Burrel, James Clingman , Ezra Aharone, Dr. Umar Johnson , State Of Black Farmers Series,Milton Alimadi, Dr. Tony Browder, Dr. Ray Winbush and many, many others




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