The C.O.W.S. John Potash: Drugs As A Weapon Against Us

Sunday, April 10th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

Drugs-as-weaponsThe Context of White Supremacy welcomes the return of John L. Potash. An author of several books, Mr. Potash has worked as a counselor and substance abuse professional for more than two decades. Mr. Potash first spoke with us in 2009 about his first book, The FBI War On Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders. That book offers a wealth of information on the deliberate coordinated efforts to neutralize and even murder black activists including Huey P. Newton, Minister Malcolm X, Dr. Afeni Shakur, Assata Shakur, Mumia Abu-Jamal and countless others. His most recent publication, Drugs As Weapons Against Us, builds on his first book by offering a comprehensive analysis of how White Supremacist enforcement agencies (FBI, CIA, M16, COINTELPRO) have a lengthy history of deliberately using narcotics to neutralize counter-racist efforts. We’re eager to hear his thoughts on the recent push to legalize cannabisand all drugs – under the rubric of reversing the ills of the “War On Drugs” which has ravaged black and non-white people.

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