BTR News – Bill Clinton defends legacy of modern slavery

4-8-2016 1-38-25 PMToday’s top news is former CEO of USA INC defending his and his wife’s record on expanding the police state and the expanded use of private prisons by the federal government. While campaigning again for his wife Hillary Clinton’s bid to become the new CEO, Bill Clinton used the same racist dog whistles he and Hillary used to sell his crime bill to the US public in a confrontation with organizers part of the media maligned #BlackLivesMatter movement. Of course right wing media loves it when Democrats talk like they do.

CNN headquarters in Los Angeles was the target of #OccupyCNN protests as supporters of Bernie Sanders have been calling out the corporate media unbalanced coverage of the Clinton and Sander’s presidential campaigns. This unbalanced coverage is not by chance as media rules and regulations governing political coverage have been attacked going all the way back to the Reagan administration. The Clinton 1996 Telecommunications Act certainly benefited the big media corporations helped them grab 90% of media consumers.

Donald Trump is getting support from Republicans regarding the nations he has dubbed the “NATO Free Riders”. Trump says the other nations benefiting from the military alliance are not paying their share of the costs and Republicans say he is right. The Next News reports.

Actor/Activist Danny Glover has been calling on international leaders to “apologize” for the enslavement of African-Americans in the past through reparations for descendants. He recently spoke on the subject to the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS).

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4-7-2016 12-35-20 PM


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