BTR News – Media Manipulation, Obama’s prisoner commutations, Arizona Primary & Clinton Email Ignored

3-31-2016 7-45-14 PMTune in for an hour or more of news, information and social/political commentary.

President Obama calling out journalists and news outlets for not asking hard questions of politicians however he isn’t talking about the corporate media suppressing updates on Hillary Clinton’s email and pay for play scandal. A new report says she may be interviewed by the FBI in the coming days.

By the way, I am with Susan Sarandon in that I will never cast a vote for Clinton even if that means Trump or Cruz gets in, let the real revolution begin.

President Obama is getting lauded for recently commuting the sentences of over 60 people who should not be in prison to begin with over non-violent legislated drug “crimes” but he could also go down is one of the President who has issued the least amount of  pardons.

Meanwhile, NYPD cops are coming forward in a special news report in NYC and they say they are forced to “hunt” and “prey” on citizens.

The Arizona Primaries are over and the corporate media has moved on but the thousands of disenfranchised voters are not. Listen to some of the complaints from voters at a recent hearing. As the DNC continues to try and force Hillary Clinton down the throats of progressives with these type of voting shenanigans, is another stolen general election down the road.

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12-4-2013 3-05-12 PM
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