BTR News – Over Half of Americans Polled Are Apparent Nazis Sympathizers

3-29-2016 3-18-20 PMTed Cruz has been in the news for pushing legislation proposals to treat Muslim Americans like German Jews and other marginalized groups in Germany in the 1930s and 40s. That sort of fascist rhetoric is the norm among Republicans but more interesting is the fact the two polls suggest that more than half of American citizens polled in different polls support his asinine proposal.

Long time human rights activist and prison abolitionist Angela Davis says she supports the political platform of Senator Bernie Sanders.

Prison slaves in Texas are threatening a work stoppage strike on April 4th, 2016. “Inspired by a growing wave of prison strikes in Alabama, Georgia, and California to end prison slavery and vastly reduce the prison population, Texas prisoners say it’s their turn to “take a stand.”

More and more racist are getting involved in a “White Lives Matter” program according to SPLC.

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12-4-2013 3-05-12 PM
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3 Replies to “BTR News – Over Half of Americans Polled Are Apparent Nazis Sympathizers”

  1. Just found your station great show! Can you answer a question for me. Everytime i see anything about the US on tv or online I never see people mixin. Its either white or black. I lived in London for most of my life and people and sure there are areas of predominantly one group or another but mostly we live together no worries. I grew up as a white guy in a not so great area and we all stuck together cos we all had the same shit to deal with.
    It hurts when I see black people bein treated the way they are in the US. Do white people over there take no interest in learning about culture music food and ways of thinking? If your country was united it would be truly great!



    1. It is mixed in some areas of the country, I live in a mixed rural community. However, in my area, there is no interest in learning about Black people in relation to American history. For an example, I was talking to a black teach who teaches young children in elementary school in this predominately white area, she did some things with the children to recognize Black contributions during Black history month and the parents of the white children compliance about it to the principle.

      I can only speak on my area of the USA and not other areas. Hope I answered your questions.

      1. Thanks for taking the time to get back to me,

        We celebrate Black history month in our schools and from the schools I have worked in it creates a great deal of interest. I guess there will unfortunately always be a number of individuals who take some kind of crazy attitude against it, but it bothers me that the attitude of the parents will prejudice the children. Kids after all learn to be hateful or ignorant, they arent born that way.

        I am interested in what life is truly like in your country, not the hollywood stereotypical image that likes to be presented or the images that are often seen in the news which always seem to have there own agenda.

        I hope and pray that those who seem only to want to hold back progress will soon learn to see similarity but also celebrate diversity.

        Take care out there.


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